Brahmo Samaj emblem, aum brahma kripahi kevalam [Brahmo]
The definitive Brahmoism web resource
Official website of the WORLD BRAHMO COUNCIL

A Brahmo web resource devoted to History of the Brahmo Samaj and development of modern Brahmoism with reference to evolution of its main branches the Adi Brahmo Samaj and the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.


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Brahmo Samaj, Brahmoism

Brahmo Samaj FAQ Frequently asked Questions

Brahmo Samaj Prime Principle

Brahmo Samaj - The Articles of Faith

Brahmo Samaj - The Trust Deed of 1830

Brahmo Samaj, Brief History & Time Line

Brahmo Samaj, True Brahmoism

Brahmo Samaj, Did God create matter?

A Historical Sketch of the Brahmo Samaj

The Brahmo Conference Organisation

Adi Dharma


Sadharan Brahmo Samaj

Adi Brahmo Samaj

Brahmoism, Genetics and memetics

Brahmo Samaj and Christianity

Nature of "True Brahmoism

Adi Brahmo Samaj on caste

"True Brahmo" principles

Salvation in Brahmo Samaj

Raja Rammohun Roy founded the Brahmo Sabha in 1828

One God

Om Ekamevadwiteeyam
Satyam jyanam anandam brahma
Anandarupam amritam yadivibhuti
Shantam shivam advaitam
Shuddham apapabiddham.

O, Supreme One,
Thou art the one without a second,
Thou art Brahma — the source of all truth, wisdom and happiness,
Thou art infinite, eternal, serene and pure.

Brahmo Samaj - FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Debendranath Tagore founded the Brahmo religion in 1848

Q1 What is the "Brahmo Samaj" ?
A1 The Brahmo Samaj is the social order ('Samaj' = "community") of the Brahmo religion. Though few may commit to the purity, metaphysical rigour and intellectual discipline of the Brahmo Religion, the number following its principles (ie. the Samaj) are legion.

Q2 Is Brahmoism a religion or a philosophy? Can one adopt Brahmoism whilst retaining one's current faith.
A2 Brahmoism is a religion. It is the newest of the 9 officially classified religions of India. The philosophy behind Brahmoism is 'Brahmo Dharma'. Any person who believes that there is only one infinite "God" can "follow" Brahmoism by subscribing to membership of a "Brahmo Samaj" while retaining their own religion.

Q3 How different is Brahmoism from the Brahmo Samaj? Also, I read somewhere that Brahmoism can only be acquired through heredity, while the Brahmo Samaj is open to everyone. Is that correct?
A3 Brahmoism is the religion. Brahmo Samaj is the larger community which "follows" Brahmoism while possibly retaining their old religions. It is incorrect that Brahmoism is hereditary. Genetics and Memetics simply reinforce the shared collective identity for Brahmoism (as in all religions).
.. Read more: Complete Brahmo Samaj FAQ

Brahmo Samaj - Prime Principles

The Prime ('Adi') Principles of the Brahmo Religion are :-

There is always Infinite Singularity - immanent and transcendant Singular Author and Preserver of Existence - He who is manifest everywhere and in everything, in the fire and in the water, in the smallest plant to the mightiest oak.

Being is created from Singularity. Being is renewed to Singularity. Being exists to be one (again) with Loving Singularity.

Righteous actions alone rule Existence against Chaos. Knowledge of pure Conscience is the One ruler of Existence with no symbol or intermediary.

Respect all creations and beings but never venerate them for only Singularity can be loved.

.. Read more: Precepts of the Brahmo Samaj

Brahmo Samaj - Articles of faith for Brahmos

** Brahmos define righteousness as the only way of life.

** Brahmos use truth, knowledge, reason, free will and virtuous intuition (observation) as guides.

** Brahmos embrace secular principles but oppose sectarianism and imposition of religious belief into governance (especially propagation of religious belief by government).

** Brahmos welcome the co-existence of Brahmo principles with governance, but oppose all governance in conflict with Brahmo principles.

** Brahmos reject narrow theism (epecially polytheism), idolatry, ascetism and symbolism.

** Brahmos reject the need for formal rituals, priests or places (church, temple, mosque) for worship.

** Brahmos reject dogma and superstition.

** Brahmos reject scripture as authority.

** Brahmos reject revelations, prophets, gurus, messiahs, or avatars as authority.

** Brahmos reject bigotry and irrational distinctions like caste, creed, colour, race, religion which divide beings.

** Brahmos reject all forms of totalitarianism.

** Brahmos question the prevalent notion of "sin".

** Brahmos question the prevalent notions of "heaven" or "hell".

** Brahmos question the prevalent notion of "salvation".

.. Read more: Articles of Faith for Brahmo Samaj

Trust Principles of 1830

In addition to being a legal document, the (Banian) Trust Deed of 1830 settles some basic principles for Brahmo Samajes -

as a place of public meeting of all sorts and descriptions of people without distinction as shall behave and conduct themselves in an orderly sober religious and devout manner for

the worship and adoration of the Eternal Unsearchable and Immutable Being who is the Author and Preserver of the Universe, but not under or by any other name designation or title peculiarly used for and applied, to any particular being or beings by any man or set of men whatsoever, and

that no graven image statue or sculpture, carving, painting, picture, portrait or the likeness of anything shall be admitted within the said messages building, land, tenements, hereditaments and premise, and

that no sacrifice, offering, oblation of any kind or thing shall ever be permitted therein, and that no animal or living creature shall within or on the said message building, land, tenements, hereditaments and premises be deprived of life either for religious purposes or for food, and

that no eating or drinking (except such as shall be necessary by any accident for the preservation of life) feasting or rioting be permitted therein, or thereon, and

that in conducting the said worship and adoration, no object, animate or inanimate, that has been, or is, or shall hereafter become or be recognized as an object of worship by any man or set of men shall be reviled or slightingly or contemptuously spoken of or alluded to, either in preaching, prayer or in the hymns or other mode of worship that may be delivered or used in the said message or building, and

that no sermon, preaching, discourse, prayer or hymn be delivered, made or used in such worship but such as have a tendency to the promotion of the contemplation of the Author and Preserver of the Universe, to the promotion of charity, morality, piety, benevolence, virtue and the strengthening the bonds of union between men of all religious persuasions and creeds, and

also that a person of good repute and well known for his knowledge, piety and morality be employed by the said Trustees or the survivors or survivors of them or the heirs of such survivor or their or his assigns as a resident superintendent and for the purpose of superintending the worship so to be performed as in hereinbefore stated and expressed, and

that such worship be performed daily or least as often as once in seven days.

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