*a) Declaring a firm belief in ONE GOD.*
The True Brahmo conception of "God" is quite different from most other
religions which have a Supreme Creator who created everything. Brahmos do
not worship "The Author and Preserver" as "God". For us there is only "the
One without a Second" what we nowadays describe as "Singularity" - a point
where the infinite folds back onto itself to generate "innumerable
infinities" - being thereby both immanent *and* transcendant and where all
laws of science breakdown.
*b) Declaring that one will abide by the Brahmo articles of faith.*
These are not "blind faith" articles to be followed like a robut automaton.
Brahmoism is now a very scientific religion, well grounded in doctrine after
centuries of theological struggle against some of the world's largest
religions. Our doctrine is the result of consensus of many ordinary people
and a few brilliant individuals. We do not believe in revelations from God
to be imposed by "Adesh" as "God's will" through his "chosen messengers.