Brahmo Samaj emblem, aum brahma kripahi kevalam [Brahmo]
The definitive Brahmoism web resource
Official website of the WORLD BRAHMO COUNCIL

A Brahmo web resource devoted to prime principles of the Brahmo Samaj and development of modern Brahmoism with reference to evolution of its main branches the Adi Brahmo Samaj and the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.

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Brahmo Samaj - Prime Principles

The Prime ('Adi') Principles of the Brahmo Religion are :-

Simple Version

[On God:] There is always Infinite Singularity - immanent and transcendant Singular Author and Preserver of Existence - He who is manifest everywhere and in everything, in the fire and in the water, in the smallest plant to the mightiest oak.

[On Being:] Being is created from Singularity. Being is renewed to Singularity. Being exists to be one (again) with Loving Singularity.

[On Intelligent Existence:] Righteous actions alone rule Existence against Chaos. Knowledge of pure Conscience is the One (Supreme) ruler of Existence with no symbol or intermediary being.

[On Love:] Respect all creations and beings but never venerate them for only Singularity can be loved.

Expanded Version:

[On God:] There is always Infinite (limitless, undefinable, unperceivable, indivisible) Singularity - immanent and transcendant Singular Author and Preserver of Existence - He who is manifest everywhere and in everything, in the fire and in the water, in the smallest plant to the mightiest oak.

[On Being:] Being is created from Singularity. Being is renewed to Singularity. Being exists to be one (again) with Loving Singularity.

[On Intelligent Existence:] Righteous (worshipful, intelligent, moral) actions alone rule (regulate[preserve]) Existence against Chaos (loss [decay, return, pervading emptiness]). Knowledge (Intelligence[reason, sentience, intuition]) of pure Conscience (light within) is the One (Supreme) ruler (authority[law, dharma]) of Existence with no symbol (creation [scripture, book, object]) or intermediary (being[teacher, messiah, ruler]).

[On Love:] Respect all creations and beings but never venerate (worship) them for only Singularity can be loved (adored, worshipped).

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