Brahmo Samaj emblem, aum brahma kripahi kevalam [Brahmo]
The definitive Brahmoism web resource
Official website of the WORLD BRAHMO COUNCIL

A Brahmo web resource devoted to True Brahmoism and development of modern Brahmo Samaj with reference to evolution of its main branches the Adi Brahmo Samaj and the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.

Getting started

What constitutes "True Brahmoism

What constitutes "True Brahmoism" ?

Some group members have sought clarification on "True Brahmos and False Brahmos" and some other incidentals.

Our position on these subjects is:-

1) Brahmoism is the highest form of Hinduism, and is so very different from what passes for Hinduism today that Brahmos consider themselves to be "beyond the pale of Hinduism" and a separate religion altogether.

2) A "True" Brahmo is either an adherent of Brahmoism to the exclusion of ll other religions, or a person with at least one Brahmo parent or guardian and who has never denied his faith.

3) "False" Brahmos are those who believe that "following" the principles of Brahmoism is sufficient. These people have given Brahmoism a very bad reputation. Prominent examples of such "False" Brahmos are "Keshub Chunder Sen" and Nabobidhan "New Dispensation" who have preached and propagated Rosicrucianism and other Masonic beliefs in the guise of Brahmoism. Even today they operate secret societies to attract neophytes to their symbolic devil worship in the name of Brahmoism.

4) To distinguish Brahmoism from such fakes and charlatans, the Brahmo religion was compelled to rename itself, first as the "Adi Brahmo Samaj" and later the religious aspect was termed as "Adi Dharm". Our religion has no secrets or mysticism or initiation or rites or rituals. The creed and tenets are widely known, anyone can follow and practice them.

1. There is only One "Supreme Spirit", Author and Preserver of Existence

2. There is no salvation and no way to achieve it.

3. There is no scripture, revelation, creation, prophet, priest or teacher to be revered

4. There is no distinction.

Once these core principles are accepted we progress to our complete "articles of faith" which define our "Dharmic" religion

The test of a Brahmo Samajist (the wider community which follows Brahmoism) is acceptance of the Trust Deed principles settled permanently in law by Rammohun Roy, Dwarakanath Tagore etc.

The test of a Brahmo religionist is if he adheres scrupulously to the Adi Dharm principles and submits to the binding Articles of Faith.

Everyone else is unworthy of the Brahmo name and needs to be denounced.

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